This is the start of my blog, the start of my website. I figured in this blog I would talk about whatever comes to mind here, whatever inspires me, good recipes, places to travel to, and other fun stuff to do. I guess this is a good as place as any to put a bucket list, and ask you for any input or ideas.

I have to thank Alex Ballot for letting me borrow her camera and getting me to take one of my first photos on a dslr, running in full auto, with a kit lens, built in self timer, and a couple rocks as a tripod.
I've always been interested in art, even from a young age. That passion grew from making shields and castles in Ms.Andrews art class to working on my last senior project on the throwing wheel with Miss Gunn to snarky 2D design elements in college for Malcolm Christhilf and even now choosing my own projects to work on. I try to work with every medium I can get my hands on, and with that I found a passion and appreciation for all forms of art. At the heart of it all I found photography, which combines my love of art, with my love of people, nature and story telling.